Friday, April 25, 2014

Ready to sail tomorrow

I finish up tonight and the boat is ready to sail  going out in the morning. I do have a few odds and end to finish but nothing that that would stop us from sailing.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Almost time to Sail

New Garmin 541
I have been working off and on the boat past month when I could find time and it is almost ready for the water. I finished a few up grades this year. I installed a larger chart plotter a 541 Garmin so I can read it better at the tiller. I also added a Nexus Nx Wind Pack 1 with wireless Wind Instrument. I added a 2nd smaller battery for a backup and finally mounted the solar panel in its permanent location. I have refinished all of the exterior wood work. I had some of the standing rigging replaced along with the life lines.  

New Nexus  NX wind

Today  Lori  did some touch up on the bottom paint and helped me clean and sort a bunch of stuff on the boat. We also worked on the lift supports for the main hatch, only need to add a couple of bolts and that will be done. I still need to do some repair on the rudder and add a few more coats of finish to the wood work, and bolt it on. I plan to do a good cleaning to the exterior and buff out the gel coat before we hit the water.

working on lift supports for main hatch

If all goes well we should be able to sail next Sunday. I was at the marina this week and the ice is gone.

working inside in a heated shop is great