Monday, May 27, 2013

Fifth time out and 6.7 knots

We have been able to get out the last few weekends, one or two times each weekend. This weekend was cool, with it trying to rain most of the time. But on Sunday after being hoisted twice to the top of the mast to fix the mast light, Bradly and I did get out and sailed for a few hours. We ended up sailing up to the bridge up river about 3 miles or so. After getting in to some good wind finally, we were able to sail almost all of the way to the bridge without tacking and kept our speed at about 5 plus knots most of the time. A few times we  sailed at 6 knots, and at one point made it to 6.7 knots.

Over the past few weeks I have been making small changes to the boat and trailer. I found out the old solar panel was not working and got a new one, which I will mount on the front hatch since it can be walked on. I also added a tiller lock. At this point I think I might be able to sail single handed. I hope to try that one of these days soon. Today I built a new cabinet for the electrical  upgrade #2 and a rack to hold charts and log books.

Rack for books, charts, etc.

New electrical cabinet.

For the most part most everything is getting done and working well . In two weeks I will be spending 4 days and 3 night on the boat, and best as I can tell it is ready to go. Jane and Lori will be going with me for 2 days and one night of that trip. I will be sailing about 45 miles down river to Lake City on Lake Pepin, then sail around the lake for the weekend, and then return back to Afton starting Sunday afternoon through Monday. I will have a few different crews from Friday to Monday. I am looking forward to seeing how I do, as well as how the boat performs.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

First sail and no fail!!!!!

We got out with the Donovan Too on Sunday with some 15 knot winds with some stronger gusts.  Maybe not the best wind for  first sail.We ended up reefing down the main and jib. We learned a few things that need to be changed, but overall it went well. I did not bring the extension for the trailer this time but will bring it next time to keep all the truck tires out of the water. It looks like the old depth guage and knot meter are a bit off, but do work. I am going to need to add add a genoa lead track for the roller furler. I thought I might, but till we got out, was not 100% sure. I found the one I think I want.

All in all I am very happy with the boat and how it is working I plan to get back out in two weeks to do more sailing, which will be one of many days and weekends we hope to have on the boat this year.

doing some final rigging 

Jane and Wilbur came with too.

Someone needs a hair cut